HOWTO: Renew Exchange 2007 Certificates

To renew the certificate for server, a server with CAS and HTroles installed:

Get-ExchangeCertificate -domain “” | fl

Note the services the certificate is enabled for (by default: POP, IMAP, IIS, SMTP on CAS + HT servers). Copy the thumbprint of the certificate.

Get a new certificate with a new expiration date:

Get-ExchangeCertificate -thumbprint “C5DD5B60949267AD624618D8492C4C5281FDD10F” | New-ExchangeCertificate

If the existing certificate is being used as the default SMTP certificate, you will get the following prompt. The default SMTP certificate is used to encrypt SMTP sessions between transport servers in your organization.

Overwrite existing default SMTP certificate,
‘C5DD5B60949267AD624618D8492C4C5281FDD10F’ (expires 8/22/2008 7:20:34 AM), with certificate ’3DA55740509DBA19D1A43A9C7161ED2D0B3B9E3E’ (expires 1/28/2009 7:37:31 AM)?
[Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help
(default is “Y”):

Type y to continue. A new certificate is generated.

Thumbprint Services Subject
———- ——– ——-
3DA55740509DBA19D1A43A9C7161ED2D0B3B9E3E ….. CN=E12Postcard

The new certificate is generated and enabled. Examine the new certificate:

Get-ExchangeCertificate -thumbprint “3DA55740509DBA19D1A43A9C7161ED2D0B3B9E3E” | fl

The old certificate is enabled for IIS, POP, IMAP and SMTP. The new certificate generated using the above command is enabled only for POP, IMAP and SMTP – IIS is missing.

You can enable the certificate for IIS (in addition to any other services it may already be enabled for — it adds to existing values of the certificate’s Services property).

Note: Once you enable a certificate for a particular Exchange Server service, there’s no way to disable it (for that service). You must remove the certificate (if the certificate isCA-issued, export the certificate along with its private key before you do so), import it again and enable it for the services you need to. This is generally not a concern with self-signed certificates— you can generate additional self-signed certificates and optionally remove the old one, since there’s no CA interaction or costs involved.
Setting the Services parameter to None does not do anything in this case.

To enable the certificate for IIS:

Enable-ExchangeCertificate -thumbprint “3DA55740509DBA19D1A43A9C7161ED2D0B3B9E3E” -services IIS

Test services are working with the new certificate. If it works as expected, the old certificate can be removed:

Remove-ExchangeCertificate -thumbprint “C5DD5B60949267AD624618D8492C4C5281FDD10F”